We have all felt disheartened. Perhaps new leads dry up, maybe we have a number of cancellations close together, or perhaps we suddenly find out our office space is being sold to housing developers (this one happened to me!)
As a business owner your emotions are linked to the
success of your business. When you are going through a bad time in your
business, it is difficult to stay positive. Sometimes you might feel like
giving it all up and going back to the job you were doing before.
It is very normal to feel like this occasionally, but do
not let it deter you from your dream. Achieving your perfect lifestyle takes
time and effort, so be willing to accept some uphill struggles.
It can be reassuring to know that everyone feels
overwhelmed from time to time. The good news is that the longer you are in
business, the easier it is to weather these storms. With time you get used to
managing a fluctuating income. You also learn that the bad times do come to an
end and after a few years you can see patterns and know when you will have
quiet periods.
It takes time to build a business. We often hear about
the overnight successes. However, we hear about these because they are the
exception rather than the norm. Also, if you look in details at a lot of these “overnight
successes,” the reality is that they have been working very hard, for a long
time before the success started.
It can be very useful to join a peer support group,
whether that is a group of other therapists or even just other small business
owners in your local area. Talk to other people about your concerns. Learn how
they overcome the same hurdles you are now facing.
Our mind set is so important to the success of our
businesses. A good way to boost mind set is to take time every day to focus on
the positives. Remind yourself of the great result one of your clients has
recently achieved, re-read that lovely testimonial and celebrate the new leads
you have obtained recently. Focussing on the positive helps to shift your mind
set to a more confident one. As you appear more confident, new clients will
naturally be drawn to you.
Our mind set is the most important factor to business
success. The first week of our Business Success Course, focusses exclusively on
mind set. For more information click here.
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