Friday, 4 March 2016

How To Market Your Business By Networking

Business networking is a great way to market your business, particularly in the early stages. The general format of networking meetings is a group of local business owners meet up, usually for breakfast or lunch. The meeting starts with coffee and mingling, Then you have some food and have the opportunity to do a one minute round. Often,there is also a ten minute presentation, by one of the members about their business. Business networking groups differ with regards to their membership rules, but most will allow you to attend a few times as a guest before committing to joining.

A one minute round is a fantastic opportunity to promote your therapy practice to a whole room of people. So, how do you maximise the use of that one minute? Plan your one minute round well.
First of all, target your one minute round to the specific audience attending the meeting. Think about what particular issues they might face. If you're attending a women's only networking group you might talk about different things than if you are attending a golf networking meeting, for instance.

It is tempting to try to convey as much information as possible in your one minute round. However, it is far more effective read the rest of the article, sign up to our informative newsletter here. 

Achieving Your Goals

In our previous blog, we talked about how to set specific goals and various techniques you can use to increase your chances of success. We talked about writing specific goals down, reading them aloud, making them public and also using visualization.

Often, we have big, ambitious goals. Of course, it’s good to aim high. However, very large goals can be daunting and sometimes it can be helpful to break down big goals into a series of smaller short term goals.

One of the biggest obstacles we can face when trying to reach our goals is the fear of failure. Often, people avoid aiming high, because they think it is better to cruise along where they are, rather than aim for better and risk failing.
This is a ridiculous way to think. Often, the worst case scenario is simply a bruised ego and a few “I told you so” from other people. The risks associated with not fulfilling your goals are often not that bad. Whereas the potential benefits of achieving our goals can be fantastic. Do you find yourself fearing failure?
From now on adopt the new belief that there is no failure only feedback.
'No failure only feedback' is a great motto. Any time we encounter obstacles or make mistakes, we can use these as learning experiences. See any issues in isolation, a small lapse. Do not view any setbacks as proof that the goal is unachievable.
Whenever you do encounter an obstacle or setback, take the time to evaluate what happened and how you can do things differently next time. For example, if a certain marketing strategy doesn't deliver new clients, then you know not to repeat that strategy.

Then think about what you could do differently next time.
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Thursday, 3 March 2016

The Power Of Goals

There is a multitude of reasons why you chose to set up your own therapy business. It could be because you want more free time, a higher income, or work you genuinely feel passionate about. Whatever the reason, a universal truth is that the business has to be profitable. If it's not, then, unfortunately, there is a limit to how long you can keep working as a therapist.

A well run therapy business has the potential to provide you with a very good level of income. Most therapists receive a good hourly rate. What would a higher income provide for you?
Perhaps the freedom to quit your day job and work full time as a therapist.
Perhaps financial security that would remove a lot of your day to day worries.
Maybe the ability to travel or have a beautiful home.

The reasons why you want a successful therapy business are unique to you. However, one fantastic way of increasing your chances of success is to use goal setting and visualisation.

Goal setting is a very effective, simple technique. First of all, buy yourself something to write your goals in. This could be a pretty little notebook or even just an app on your phone. Write down your goal for your business. Make it as specific as you can. Include precise measurements and time frames.
For example, instead of writing,
“I want to be rich,” write “I will earn £70,000 by the end of 2016.”
Or, instead of writing,
“I want to see more clients," write "I will be seeing 25 clients per week by the end of July."
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Are Limiting Beliefs Holding Back Your Business Success?

Do you ever find that although you are committed to building your business, staying focussed and doing all the right things, that somehow your business still isn't growing?
Or perhaps as soon as things start to pick up, you shy away? Or even self-sabotage by not chasing up leads or not doing as much networking as you used to?
Does this sound familiar?

This is very common and is often caused by underlying limiting beliefs.

In our society we have a lot of conflicting views about success and money. Most people would like to have more money so that they can have more freedom, travel, do more of what they love and look after their friends and family. However, although people would like more money, there are also many common distorted beliefs that having more money is a bad thing.

For example, that in order to have a lot of money you must sacrifice your family life. Another common distorted belief about money is that rich people are greedy or bad. People sometimes believe that in order to make money you must take advantage of people or be dishonest. Or that having more money will change them or change the way their friends treat them. With all these negative beliefs about money it is no wonder that we sometimes self-sabotage.

So where do these beliefs come from?

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The Importance Of A Great Mentor

Working as a therapist can be a lonely job. Generally therapists are self-employed working on your own, with minimal contact with your peers.
This can be tough. So, who can you go to for guidance? From Mr Miyagi to Yoda, all the greats have a mentor!
We learn from observing and copying others, a strategy called modelling. A mentor is a great person to model yourself on. Generally, a mentor is someone who has been there and done it before you. You can learn from your mentor's successes and mistakes and shave many years of painful learning off your own journey. A mentor is someone you can bounce ideas off and who will call you out if you're not putting the effort in or letting negativity stop you from doing what you want. A mentor is your most valuable asset.
So, how to do you find this elusive mentor?

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The Business Books Every Therapist Needs To Read

As a therapist you're constantly learning and developing. However, one of the areas commonly neglected is business and marketing. However, this is one of the most important areas to develop. Here at The Therapists' Business School we hear too many stories of great therapists, who had to stop practising simply because their business doesn't generate enough money to support them. Becoming knowledgeable in business doesn't have to be expensive. The following books are a wonderful way to rapidly improve your business knowledge.
Essentially a book about time management, which should be such a dull, dry subject. However, the author manages to keep you highly entertained through this book, whilst providing practical ways to improve your focus, manage your time and increase your productivity by 1000%. Some of the tips include how to outsource mundane tasks for a fraction of the cost, software to dramatically save time and how to create an automated passive income. Highly recommended.
Do you find that you continually work harder and harder and yet still do not reach the level of wealth you desire? It's possible that you have negative beliefs about money, for example, that you must specialize more to achieve wealth, or perhaps deep down you believe that rich people are greedy. Negative beliefs about money can cause us to self-sabotage our business. Robert Kiyosaki explains how to spot and change negative thought patterns. He also explains how economics works in very user friendly terms. 
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