Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Business Success Course For Holistic Therapists

The secrets of creating a successful therapy business.

Are you struggling to attract enough clients? Are you worrying about money? Are you feeling uncertain?

It is a great shame if you are working as a therapist, doing the job you love, and yet finding it difficult to keep the business afloat. This is a very common problem. There’s nothing worse than worrying about how to pay your rent or your insurance, being upset when clients cancel, or even worse, having to give up on your dream and find another job.

The Business Success Course will give you the tools you need to build a thriving, successful, busy therapy practice.  Broken into four weekly modules, this online business training course covers how to change your mind set, how to market your business and how to grow your business.
The course has been created using the experience of several successful therapists.

The Business Success Course will:

  • Teach you how to be a successful business person.
  • Give you a variety of marketing strategies.
  • Allow you to build a thriving practice.
  • Stop you worrying about money.
  • Allow you to work as a therapist as your main job.
  • Give you free time.
  • Allow you to manage your work around your other commitments.
  • Help you to earn a good income.
  • Allow you the satisfaction of helping people.
  • Show you how to establish a good reputation.
  • Give you the skills to be your own boss

The Business Success Course is £199 down from £300. This includes:

  • 4 weekly modules
  • Workbook
  • MP3s
£300 is already fantastic value for such an in depth course. However, until the end of 2017 you can purchase the entire course for £199.
Although the course is priced in pounds sterling, if you would like to pay using another currency, you can easily do this when you click through to PayPal.

We are so confident that you will love that Business Success Course, that it comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If, once you have completed all four weeks, you’re not satisfied with the course, you can have a no quibble refund.

Purchase the Business Success Course

Make a change today. Don’t continue to struggle financially, watch your business struggle and spend your days worrying about the future.
Purchase your Business Success Course now and change the future of your business.

Please note - there will be a delay between purchasing the course and receiving it. This will usually be approximately 24 hours.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Tech Solutions For Holistic Therapists

Modern technology can make everyone's life easier and the same goes for us therapists. Here are a few of the most useful apps and systems for holistic therapists.

We are going to assume you already have the basics such as a website and email address.

1) Google Calendar. This is such an easy to use system with the additional advantage that it will automatically sync between your pc and your phone. You can access it from any device. You can also share the calendar with others, for example your receptionist. It also automatically populates with diary dates from your emails, which is really handy.

2) iZettle. This is a system for accepting credit card payments. It used to be really tricky for small businesses to accept card payments. We needed specialist machinery, a landline and the costs were high. iZettle connects via Bluetooth to your mobile phone. You don't even need to be connected to WiFi. Using the iZettle app you select the amount you want to charge, the phone connects with the small card reader, (which is available from iZettle for a small cost). Your customer uses the card reader, the funds get automatically transferred to your account and that's it. Wonderfully simple.

3) MailChimp. This is an email marketing platform, which is free for smaller accounts. The free account will likely serve you for several years as you grow your business. Use MailChimp to easily create beautiful newsletters, promoting your business, which can be sent to thousands of subscribers all at once. Give away freebies and useful information in your newsletters to increase reader engagement. MailChimp also produces very useful reports which can tell you information such as which people read your emails the most and which links are most popular.

4) This is a lead capture platform. What does this mean? It means that you can create ads (on Facebook for example) giving away a freebie (such as an ebook). Prospective customers sign up to the freebie. automatically sends them the freebie and also adds their contact details to your existing email list. It integrates well with MailChimp. For more information about how to use Leadpages and MailChimp to create a marketing funnel, download our Business Success Course.

Monday, 27 March 2017

The tough side of being a therapist

In this blog, we talk at length about all the benefits of a career as a therapist, and while this is certainly the case, there are of course some downsides. Here at The Therapists' Business School, we aim to be as honest and helpful as possible about what a career as a therapist really involves.

Almost all small businesses experience a feast and famine cycle. This is particularly prevalent in therapy, as we tend to see clients for a block of sessions over a short amount of time, meaning we continuously need to find new clients. Often, when we're busy seeing clients, we don't have enough time for marketing, so when we have finished seeing those clients we need to market like crazy again to get new ones in, leading to the feast and famine pattern of income. One way to overcome this problem is to use the quiet times to automate as much of your marketing as possible. Schedule newsletters and social media posts weeks in advance, so they will be working for you during your busy times as well as your quiet ones.

Another disadvantage of running a therapy business is that it can be quite lonely. You tend to work alone, only seeing your clients. For many people it can be hard not to have colleagues to talk to or a boss to ask advice from. A way to overcome this issue is to  join a local peer support group for your specific field of therapy. These groups are so important for your own wellbeing. Make sure you are also getting regular supervision. A good supervisor can fulfil the role of a mentor and guide you when you get struggle.

As therapists, we care about people. It's because we care so much for our clients, that we invest so much in them. Unfortunately not all of our clients will get better. In some cases, even though we do everything we can to help the person, they still do not see an improvement. This can be heartbreakingly disappointing for us and can really rock your confidence in your abilities. When this happens, and it will happen, use the experience as a learning curve. Identify what changes you could make in the future to improve your service. Once you have taken the lesson from it, move on and focus on the times treatment has been successful. A peer support group is also very useful for this as it is reassuring to know that other therapists have the same experience.

To find out more about the courses and services we offer click here.